Setting Up a SIP Trunk at VoIP.ms
VoIP.ms has one of the best customer portals in the business. Spend some time getting familiar with it!
1. Sign up for a VoIP.ms account.
2. Login to your VoIP.ms account. You can order a DID here.1
3. Create a new Subaccount to use with Wazo. Usernames begin with your account number, an underscore character, and up to 12 alphanumeric characters of your choosing. Be sure to specify User/Password Authentication with Asterisk as the Device Type. The remaining defaults are fine. Here is a sample to follow:

4. If you add an Internal Extension Number to your subaccount during setup, then Wazo can receive SIP URI calls through VoIP.ms without exposing your Wazo server directly to the Internet. For example, if your VoIP.ms main account number was 199555, and you assigned the 701 extension number to your subaccount, and you registered your trunk to atlanta.voip.ms, then any device with SIP capabilities worldwide could call you at the following SIP URI at little or no cost: sip://199555701@atlanta.voip.ms.

5. If you purchased a DID from VoIP.ms, choose Manage DIDs to configure it for use with Wazo. Find your DID in the listing of your DIDs and click Edit DID icon. For Routing, choose SIP/IAX and assign your subaccount to the DID. For DID Point of Presence (POP), choose a server that’s close to your server.

6. If you want to enable Call Failover, first set up your alternate numbers or mobile numbers in DID Numbers:Call Forwarding. Then you can click Show Failover Options above and route unreachable calls to an alternate phone number, SIP URI, or another registered DID.

7. If your DID supports SMS messaging, you also can specify a forwarding email address and/or SMS number to receive SMS messages sent to this DID. You’d be amazed how many SMS messages we receive that are addressed to our home phone number which happens to be a VoIP.ms DID supporting SMS messaging.

Setting Up a VoIP.ms SIP Trunk on Wazo
SIP trunks are different than traditional Ma Bell phone lines. With SIP trunks, you need not use the same provider to process incoming and outgoing calls. With some SIP providers including VoIP.ms, incoming and outgoing calls are managed on the same server. To place outgoing calls with VoIP.ms, all you need is a subaccount with credentials. You do NOT need a DID. To receive calls from Plain Old Telephones, you will need a VoIP.ms DID. To receive SIP calls, you will need to create an Internal Extension Number as documented in Step #4 above.
In the Wazo GUI, create a new VOIP.ms SIP Trunk by choosing IPBX:Trunk Management:SIP Protocol. Click on + Add to open a new template.
In the General tab, fill in the blanks using your VoIP.ms subaccount credentials including the DID POP to which you wish to register your VoIP.ms trunk:

In the Register tab, check the Register option and fill in the blanks using your subaccount credentials from VoIP.ms as well as the VoIP.ms POP server:

In the Signalling tab, set DTMF, Monitoring, and specify your preferred Codec:

In the Advanced tab, set Insecure to ALL, Port = 5060, and From field-User to your subaccount name:

Click SAVE when you’ve finished.
Wazo will not actually process incoming and outgoing calls through this VoIP.ms trunk until you configure an outgoing route in IPBX:Call Management:Outgoing Calls and an incoming route using IPBX:Call Management:Outgoing Calls if you have a DID. Outgoing and Incoming call routing are covered in separate tutorials.
- If your DID is strictly for residential use, you may be able to take advantage of Martin’s offer of a $2 unlimited monthly flat rate price match with Anveo that was announced on DSLreports. Just open a support ticket after you sign up for the DID and mention Martin’s offer with a link to the DSL Reports thread. No guarantees! [↩]