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It’s a Dell With Asterisk, Dude: Introducing the Orgasmatron II for the $299 Dell SC440, Part III

For those of you that missed the Dell SC440 at $199 last month and want to use the Nerd Vittles Orgasmatron II build for Asterisk®, now’s your chance. The machine is once again on sale for $299 until November 19. And now it includes a second hard disk. Still a steal. Be sure to upgrade to 2GB of RAM for the additional $19. How fitting for PBX in a Flash Birthday Week. Enjoy!

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  1. If you are using this in production I would highly recommend running RAID 1 (Mirroring) to cover a drive failure. Dell’s $199 PERC card seems a bit steep. Any other suggestions for third part RAID card?

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