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Interconnect Incredible PBX 2020 to the Asterisk Mothership

The Holy Grail for a mobile VoIP solution is a simple way to connect back to your primary Asterisk® PBX via Wi-Fi from anywhere in the world to make and receive calls as if you never left. Let’s tick off the potential problems. First, many home-based PBXs are sitting behind NAT-based routers. Second, almost all remote Wi-Fi connections are made through a NAT-based router. Third, chances are the remote hosting platform blocks outgoing email from downstream servers such as a mobile PBX. Fourth, deciphering the IP address of your remote connection can be problematic. Fifth, the chances of experiencing one-way audio or no audio on your VoIP calls is high because of NAT-based routers at both ends of your connection.
For those that travel regularly or those that are living elsewhere during the Coronavirus pandemic and want to avoid the complexity of configuring OpenVPN, here is a quick thumbnail of the setup we recommend as your mobile companion. We use it regularly. You’ll never have a one-way audio problem again. In terms of hardware, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi 4B or 3B+ with its native WiFi support plus a Windows or Mac notebook computer for traveling. You’ll also need a NeoRouter VPN server to make this process seamless. If you’ve already set up an OpenVPN server platform, it will work equally well. One advantage of NeoRouter is that clients can be added from the client side without having to create a config file on the VPN server. All you need is a username and password. But the choice of VPN platform is totally a matter of preference. The objective using either OpenVPN or NeoRouter is secure communications to your home base. We don’t want to have to reconfigure either your home PBX or your traveling Raspberry Pi or your notebook PC based upon changes in your public and private IP addresses.
Today we’ll walk you through the easiest way to set up a (free) NeoRouter server on the Internet. It can be used to connect up to 254 devices on an encrypted private LAN. We’re delighted to have finally found a perfect use for the (free) Google Cloud instance.

Using a Raspberry Pi, build an Incredible PBX 2020 platform by following our latest tutorial. We’ll set this up on your home WiFi network so that you only have to throw the Raspberry Pi and its power supply in your suitcase when you travel. As part of the setup, we’ll download NeoRouter and activate private IP addresses for your notebook computer as well as both of your PBXs (using nrclientcmd
). Next, we’ll interconnect the two PBXs using SIP trunks and the NeoRouter private LAN IP addresses. We’ll take advantage of a neat little Raspberry Pi trick by storing a wpa_supplicant.conf
template on your PC for the remote WiFi setup even though we don’t yet know anything about the remote LAN. Once we know the SSID and password at the remote destination, we’ll use your notebook computer to edit the template and transfer the file to the /boot folder of your RasPi’s microSD card. When the card then is inserted and the RasPi is booted, it will automatically move the template to the proper /etc/wpa_supplicant folder to successfully activate your WiFi connection. We’ll also load links, a fast text-based browser, just in case you encounter a remote site that requires some sort of acknowledgement or password before establishing your WiFi connection to the Internet.

Setting Up a (free) NeoRouter Server in the Cloud
Because NeoRouter uses a star-based VPN architecture, that means the NeoRouter Server must always be available at the same IP address for all of the NeoRouter Clients (aka Nodes) to talk to. If you already have a cloud-based server that has a static IP address and can handle the traffic cop duties of NeoRouter Server, then that’s an ideal place to install NeoRouter Server. Simply download the Free flavor of NeoRouter Server that matches your existing platform and install it. Add an FQDN for your server’s IP address, and you’re all set. A detailed summary of available management options is included in our previous NeoRouter v2 article.
We devoted a couple weeks to Google Cloud instances, and it turned out to be a pretty awful platform for hosting Asterisk. But the free offering looks to be a perfect fit as a hosting platform for NeoRouter Server. You also won’t have to worry about Google going out of business anytime soon. So let us walk you through an abbreviated setup process on the Google Cloud platform. If you’re just getting started with Google Cloud, read our previous article to take advantage of Google’s generous $300 offer to get you started and to generally familiarize yourself with the mechanics of setting up an instance in the Google Cloud.
For NeoRouter Server, navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com. Click the 3-bar image in the upper left corner of your Dashboard. This exposes the Navigation Menu. In the COMPUTE section of the Dashboard, click Compute Engine -> VM Instances. Then click CREATE PROJECT and name it. Now click CREATE INSTANCE and Name it nrserver. The instance name becomes the hostname for your virtual machine. If you want to remain in the Free Tier, choose f1-micro instance as the Machine Type and choose a U.S. Region (us-central1, us-east1 or us-west1). For the Boot Disk, choose CentOS 6 and expand the disk storage to at least 20GB (30GB is available with the Free Tier). For the Firewall setting, leave HTTP and HTTPS disabled. Check your entries carefully and then click the Create button.
When your virtual machine instance comes on line, jot down the assigned public IP address. We’ll need it in a minute. Now click on the SSH pull-down tab and choose Open in a Browser Window. Now we need to set a root password and adjust the SSH settings so that you can login from your desktop computer using SSH or Putty:
sudo passwd root su root nano -w /etc/ssh/sshd_config
When the editor opens the SSH config file, add the following entries. Then save the file and restart SSH: service sshd restart
PermitRootLogin yes PasswordAuthentication yes
You now should be able to log in to your instance as root from your desktop computer using SSH or Putty. Test it to be sure: ssh root@server-IP-address
Before we leave the Google Cloud Dashboard, let’s make the assigned public IP address permanent so that it doesn’t get changed down the road. Keep in mind that, if you ever delete your instance, you also need to remove the assigned static IP address so you don’t continue to get billed for it. From Home on the Dashboard, scroll down to the NETWORKING section and choose VPS Network -> External IP Addresses. Change the Type of your existing address to Static and Name it staticip. Next, choose Firewall Rules in the VPS Network section and click CREATE FIREWALL RULE. Fill in the template like the following leaving the other fields with their default entries. Then click CREATE.
- Name: neorouter
- Target Tags: neorouter
- Source IP Range:
- Protocols/Ports: check tcp: 32976
CAUTION: Before this firewall rule will be activated for your instance, it also must be specified in the Network Tags section for your instance. Shut down your instance and add the neorouter tag by editing your instance. Then restart your instance.
Now we’re ready to install NeoRouter Free v2 Server on your instance. Be sure to choose the Free v2 variety. Log back into your server as root using SSH/Putty and issue these commands:
yum -y update yum -y install nano wget http://download.neorouter.com/Downloads/NRFree/Update_2.3.1.4360/Linux/CentOS/nrserver- rpm -Uvh nrserver- /etc/rc.d/init.d/nrserver.sh restart nrserver -setdomain <DOMAINNAME> <DOMAINPASSWORD> nrserver -adduser <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> admin nrserver -enableuser <USERNAME> nrserver -showsettings
Finally, add the following command to /etc/rc.local so that NeoRouter Server gets started whenever your instance is rebooted:
echo "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nrserver.sh start" >> /etc/rc.local
Installing Incredible PBX 2020 on a Raspberry Pi

Configuring NeoRouter Client on Your Computers
On Linux-based (non-GUI) platforms, setting up the NeoRouter Client is done by issuing the command: nrclientcmd
. You’ll be prompted for your NeoRouter Server FQDN as well as your username and password credentials. Perform this procedure on both your home PBX and the Raspberry Pi.
To add your Windows or Mac notebook to the NeoRouter VPN, download the appropriate client and run the application which will prompt for your NeoRouter Server FQDN as well as your NeoRouter credentials. Once completed, you should see all three machines in your NeoRouter Free Client Dashboard: your PC as well as your home PBX and Raspberry Pi-based Incredible PBX. Make note of the private VPN addresses (10.0.0.X) of both your home PBX and your Raspberry Pi. These VPN addresses never change, and we’ll need them to interconnect your PBXs and to set up a softphone on your notebook computer.
Admininistrative Tools to Manage NeoRouter
Here are a few helpful commands for monitoring and managing your NeoRouter VPN.
To access your NeoRouter Linux client: nrclientcmd
To restart NeoRouter Linux client: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nrservice.sh restart
To restart NeoRouter Linux server: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nrserver.sh restart
To set domain: nrserver -setdomain YOUR-VPN-NAME domainpassword
For a list of client devices: nrserver -showcomputers
For a list of existing user accounts: nrserver -showusers
For the settings of your NeoRouter VPN: nrserver -showsettings
To add a user account: nrserver -adduser username password user
To add admin account: nrserver -adduser username password admin
For a complete list of commands: nrserver –help

Interconnecting Your Raspberry Pi and Home PBX
To keep things simple, our setup examples below assume the following NeoRouter VPN addresses: Home PBX ( and Raspberry Pi ( Using a browser, you’ll need to login to the GUI of your Home PBX and Raspberry Pi and add a Trunk to each PBX. Be sure to use the same secret on BOTH trunk setups. We don’t recommend forwarding incoming calls from your Home PBX to your Raspberry Pi because most folks won’t be sitting in their hotel room all day to answer incoming calls. Instead, add the number of your smartphone to a Ring Group on the Home PBX and don’t forget the # symbol at the end of the number. On the Raspberry Pi side, we are assuming that whenever a call is dialed from a registered softphone with the 9 prefix, the call will be sent to the Home PBX for call processing (without the 9). For example, 98005551212 would send 800-555-1212 to the Home PBX for outbound routing and 9701 would send 701 to the Home PBX for routing to the 701 extension. You can obviously adjust your dialplan to meet your own local requirements.
On the Home PBX, the chan_sip trunk entries should look like this:
Trunk Name: raspi-remote PEER DETAILS host= type=friend context=from-internal username=home-pbx fromuser=home-pbx secret=some-password canreinvite=no insecure=port,invite qualify=yes nat=yes
On the Raspberry Pi, the chan_sip trunk entries should look like this:
Trunk Name: home-pbx PEER DETAILS host= type=friend context=from-internal username=raspi-remote fromuser=raspi-remote secret=some-password canreinvite=no insecure=port,invite qualify=yes nat=yes
On the Raspberry Pi, add an Outbound Route named Out9-home-pbx pointed to home-pbx Trunk with the following Dial Patterns. For each Dial Pattern, prepend=blank and prefix=9:
dial string: 1NXXNXXXXXX dial string: NXXNXXXXXX dial string: *98X. dial string: XXX dial string: XXXX dial string: XXXXX
Tweaking Your Raspberry Pi for WiFi Mobility
config file to the /boot directory on the card once you arrive at your destination and know the SSID and password of the local WiFi network. When the Raspberry Pi is subsequently booted, the operating system will move the config file to the /etc/wpa_supplicant directory so that your WiFi network will come on line. Here’s what a typical wpa_supplicant.conf
file should look like using your actual credentials. The last network section handles open WiFi network connections (think: McDonald’s) if you want to enable them:
country=US update_config=1 network={ ssid="your-SSID" psk="your-SSID-password" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK scan_ssid=1 priority=5 } network={ key_mgmt=NONE priority=1 }
The other gotcha is that some public WiFi networks require some type of web login procedure before you can actually access the Internet even though an IP address may have been assigned to your Raspberry Pi. To handle this situation, you’ll need a text-based web browser on the Raspberry Pi that can be accessed through your notebook PC using SSH and your Raspberry Pi’s VPN address. Our favorite is links which can be installed on your Raspberry Pi before you pack up.
apt-get install links -y
Once you arrive at your destination, connect both your notebook PC and Raspberry Pi to the same WiFi network, login to the RasPi with SSH at the VPN address assigned to your RasPi, and run links
to start the browser. Press <esc> to access the links menu options. If you can’t access your RasPi at the VPN IP address, try its WiFi-assigned local IP address.
Adding a Softphone to Your Notebook PC
For Windows PCs, we recommend VitalPBX Communicator. It’s a free download from here.

Another good choice is YateClient for Windows which also is free. Download it from here. Run YateClient once you’ve installed it and enter the credentials for an extension on your Raspberry Pi. Then enter the VPN IP address of your server plus your extension’s password. Click OK to save your entries.

If you are a Mac user, another great no-frills softphone is Telephone. Just download and install it from the Mac App Store.
Adding a Softphone to Your Smartphone
Enjoy your pain-free Home Away from Home!
Originally published: Tuesday, April 2, 2020

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.
BOGO Bonaza: Enjoy state-of-the-art VoIP service with a $10 credit and half-price SIP service on up to $500 of Skyetel trunking with free number porting when you fund your Skyetel account. No limits on number of simultaneous calls. Quadruple data center redundancy. $25 monthly minimum spend required. Tutorial and sign up details are here.
The lynchpin of Incredible PBX 2020 and beyond is ClearlyIP components which bring management of FreePBX modules and SIP phone integration to a level never before available with any other Asterisk distribution. And now you can configure and reconfigure your new Incredible PBX phones from the convenience of the Incredible PBX GUI.
VitalPBX is perhaps the fastest-growing PBX offering based upon Asterisk with an installed presence in more than 100 countries worldwide. VitalPBX has generously provided a customized White Label version of Incredible PBX tailored for use with all Incredible PBX and VitalPBX custom applications. Follow this link for a free test drive!
Special Thanks to Vitelity. Vitelity is now Voyant Communications and has halted new registrations for the time being. Our special thanks to Vitelity for their unwavering financial support over many years and to the many Nerd Vittles readers who continue to enjoy the benefits of their service offerings. We will keep everyone posted on further developments.

Coping with Coronavirus: Working from Home with Asterisk

If one can only claim to be an expert in one subject matter, ours would be working from home building and deploying Asterisk®-based VoIP servers. We’ve been doing it for more than a decade. And, as the need for social distancing becomes imperative with the spread of COVID-19, working from home is by far the best antidote. For those with jobs in an actual office, you still need your computer and you still need transparent office phone call access. With an Internet connection, we will assume you can handle setting up a home computer on your own. So our focus today will be on showing you how to add your office phone to your home with VoIP to make and receive business calls with less pain than a WalMart checkout lane.
Here’s what you need:
- Home Internet Connection (15DN/5UP Mbps or faster)
- WiFi Router (Google Nest strongly recommended)
- Desktop or Notebook Computer (recent vintage)
- SIP Telephone (Incredible PBX SIP Phone recommended)
- Incredible PBX 2020 platform (VirtualBox or Raspberry Pi – both are free)
- VirtualBox software for your PC/Mac or a Raspberry Pi 4 for stand-alone PBX
- A quiet room at home with no screaming kids or barking dogs
- Smartphone with SIP software (optional for those that continue to travel)
We’ve written extensively about most of the components listed above so we will refer you to appropriate articles as we proceed. The plan is to build a free Incredible PBX® platform in your home and use it to receive calls from your office number and to make calls spoofing your office number so that those on the other end of the calls never know you’re not sitting at your desk in the office but are instead working from home.
Choosing an Incredible PBX Platform for Home Use
Once you have your network and desktop PC, Mac, or notebook computer set up at home, you have a decision to make. You can either run Incredible PBX as a task on this computer using VirtualBox, which means the computer needs to be operational all the time, or you can elect to build your Incredible PBX platform on a $35 Raspberry Pi 4 in which case your PBX is independent from your desktop or notebook computer. If you elect to run Incredible PBX on your home computer as a VirtualBox virtual machine, then follow this tutorial to install VirtualBox and the Incredible PBX 2020 virtual machine. If you decide to go the stand-alone route using a Raspberry Pi 4 as a dedicated platform for Incredible PBX 2020, then follow this tutorial to put all the pieces in place.
We typically run our remote systems using a Raspberry Pi 4 and a SIP phone, both with Wi-Fi connections. This means you can find a quiet place in your home to set up your office without worrying about network cables. Assuming you have good Internet service and a modern WiFi router such as the Google Nest device, you’ll never miss a beat. You can even drink on the job.

Choosing a VoIP Provider To Make & To Receive Calls
Even with your own PBX, you still need a connection to one or more VoIP service providers before you can communicate with those outside your network. Because we want to emulate your office phone environment, you probably will want a dedicated phone number and separate telephone to receive incoming calls from your office. This preserves the caller’s perception that he or she is dealing with you in your business capacity. We don’t want Junior answering incoming calls and shouting, "Daddy, somebody wants to talk to you."
We’re assuming that most business phone systems have the capacity to forward incoming calls to an external number. In this case, we recommend a new phone number known as a DID in the VoIP world. For outbound calls from your dedicated SIP phone, we will show you how to reset the outbound CallerID number to match your existing office phone number. Thus, both incoming and outgoing calls will appear to be emanating from your office.
As some of you know, in the VoIP world with Incredible PBX, the VoIP merchant providing your DID for incoming calls need not be the same as the company providing outbound call service. The cost of DIDs typically ranges from a few cents a month to a dollar or more. Most impose a per minute charge of about a penny a minute or less for both incoming and outgoing calls. The only mandatory requirement is that you choose an outbound call service that allows you to spoof your office’s CallerID number on the outbound calls. You probably will also want a CallerID Name (CNAM) service that associates names with incoming calls.
Both the Incredible PBX for VirtualBox and IncrediblePBX for the Raspberry Pi articles (links above) have extensive tutorials to deploy the various VoIP providers that we recommend. Just keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for. Cheaper isn’t always better when it comes to business communications.
Setting Up a SIP Phone for Incredible PBX 2020
You can connect virtually any kind of telephone to your new PBX. You don’t want callers and people you call to think you’re living in a tunnel so we recommend dedicated hardware for your SIP phone. The Incredible PBX SIP Phones are second to none and are very reasonably priced. In the FreePBX® GUI, simply navigate to Settings -> Clearly Devices. Here’s a tutorial to get you started and link your phone to the preconfigured SIP extension 701 on your PBX.
If price is your primary consideration, take a look at the Grandstream WiFi SIP phones. Refurbished Grandstream GXV3240 phones (a favorite of ours) are available for under $120.
Configuring an Inbound Route for Your Business Calls
For purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you connected your new SIP phone to extension 701 on your PBX. Now we need to tell the PBX to route incoming calls from your office to your newly registered SIP phone on extension 701. Using a web browser, open the FreePBX GUI by pointing to the IP address of your PBX. Login as admin using the password you configured with /root/admin-pw-change. Once the FreePBX Dashboard displays, navigate to Connectivity -> Inbound Routes. Add a new route using the 10-digit number of the DID you acquired. As the Destination for the calls, choose Extension: 701. Click SAVE and reload your dialplan when prompted. Be sure you have also forwarded your office number to the new DID. Then place a test call to your office to verify everything is working properly.
Configuring an Outbound Route for Your Business Calls
A Default Outbound Route is automatically configured for Incredible PBX 2020. We need to modify it to route calls to your preferred trunk provider AND to specify the Outbound CallerID number for the calls as your 10-digit office number. In the FreePBX GUI, navigate to Connectivity -> Outbound Routes. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the Default route. In the Route CID field, enter the 10-digit number of your office. Change the Override Extension field from NO to YES. In the top entry of Trunk Sequences, use the pulldown menu to choose the Trunk Provider you want to use for outbound calls. Then click Submit and reload the dialplan when prompted. Place a test call from your SIP phone to a smartphone and make certain the incoming call displays your office phone number. If not, check with your SIP provider for the necessary steps to enable CallerID number spoofing.
Taking The Show On The Road
Once your home PBX is operational, there’s no reason you have to be tied to your desk at home all day. It’s easy to take the show on the road with an Android phone to make and receive your office calls. We use Android phone advisedly. Our experience with VoIP softphone connections using iPhones has always been hit and miss. And, with your business calls, we don’t think the platform is sufficiently reliable to recommend it. When you get incoming calls from your PBX, you want your smartphone to ring. When you make or receive calls on your smartphone, you want both ends of the conversation to be crystal clear. On the Android platform using the VitalPBX Communicator (free), it just works. We’ve had very different results using an iPhone.
If all you care about is receiving business calls (not making them) when away from your home, then an iPhone will work just as well as an Android phone. To set this up, just add your 10-digit cellphone number plus a # symbol after the number to the 777 Ring Group and make that ring group the destination for the Inbound Route for your office number in the FreePBX GUI. But if you prefer to make calls in both directions just as if you were sitting at your office desk, you’ll need a softphone on an Android device. Keep reading to learn how to set this up.

To get started, you’ll need to set up an OpenVPN server on some platform with a static IP address. Many businesses already have an OpenVPN server in which case you can ride on that one. Our OpenVPN tutorial will walk you through setting up your own and adding OpenVPN clients to both your Raspberry Pi and your Android smartphone. Once you have the clients installed, write down the private VPN addresses of both the Raspberry Pi and your Android phone. Next, on your Android phone, download and install the VitalPBX Communicator from the Google Play Store. In the FreePBX GUI, choose one of your preinstalled extensions to host the Android softphone and make note of the extension number and its password. Then use the Account Assistant in the Communicator to configure the connection on the smartphone end. Once it is registered, place a test call to make sure everything is working. Next we recommend changing the destination of the inbound calls to Ring Group 777 which will attempt to ring all five of the default extensions. Place a call to your office number and make sure that both your SIP phone and VitalPBX Communicator on your Android phone ring.
Continue Reading: Interconnecting a Mobile PBX to the Asterisk Mothership
Originally published: March 15, 2020

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.
BOGO Bonaza: Enjoy state-of-the-art VoIP service with a $10 credit and half-price SIP service on up to $500 of Skyetel trunking with free number porting when you fund your Skyetel account. No limits on number of simultaneous calls. Quadruple data center redundancy. $25 monthly minimum spend required. Tutorial and sign up details are here.
The lynchpin of Incredible PBX 2020 and beyond is ClearlyIP components which bring management of FreePBX modules and SIP phone integration to a level never before available with any other Asterisk distribution. And now you can configure and reconfigure your new Incredible PBX phones from the convenience of the Incredible PBX GUI.
VitalPBX is perhaps the fastest-growing PBX offering based upon Asterisk with an installed presence in more than 100 countries worldwide. VitalPBX has generously provided a customized White Label version of Incredible PBX tailored for use with all Incredible PBX and VitalPBX custom applications. Follow this link for a free test drive!
Special Thanks to Vitelity. Vitelity is now Voyant Communications and has halted new registrations for the time being. Our special thanks to Vitelity for their unwavering financial support over many years and to the many Nerd Vittles readers who continue to enjoy the benefits of their service offerings. We will keep everyone posted on further developments.

Introducing Plug-and-Play Incredible PBX IP Phones

Let’s face it. One of the most tedious tasks in setting up a new PBX is configuring all of the buttons on all of the SIP phones connected to your PBX. Finally, there’s a one-click solution with the new Incredible IP Phones from ClearlyIP. Using the Clearly IP Devices module included in every Incredible PBX 2020 platform, you can use a web browser to point-and-click your way through setting up one or multiple phone configurations which can be pushed to every phone by simply entering its MAC address and extension number. When changes are needed, simply modify the web configuration for the desired phones and the modifications are immediately pushed to the affected devices without ever rebooting any of the affected phones. If you only have a couple extensions attached to your PBX, this may not sound like a big deal; however, if you have hundreds of phones in dozens of locations, you’ve just saved yourself hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in labor costs.

Unlike the Sangoma "solution" there’s no costly FreePBX module required to auto-provision Incredible PBX phones. It’s an integral component of Incredible PBX 2020.
But don’t take our word for it. Watch Chris Sherwood’s YouTube video above and chuckle to yourself knowing that the first two of the four setup steps are already in place with every new Incredible PBX 2020 install.
Better yet, sign up for one of the (free) Tony Lewis webinars currently scheduled for this Tuesday, January 7, at 2 p.m. Eastern time or Friday, January 10 at 9 a.m. Eastern time. You may remember Tony as the former Chief Operating Officer at Sangoma until he resigned and started the new ClearlyIP organization in which he now serves as the CEO. Come join us!
We’ll hold off the tutorial for a bit to give everyone an opportunity to watch the video and attend one of the webinars on Tuesday. Be sure to sign up to reserve your place. Then check back here soon for the Incredible IP Phones tutorial.
Continue reading: ClearlyIP Introduces New Features for Incredible PBX Phones
Originally published: Sunday, January 5, 2020

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.
BOGO Bonaza: Enjoy state-of-the-art VoIP service with a $10 credit and half-price SIP service on up to $500 of Skyetel trunking with free number porting when you fund your Skyetel account. No limits on number of simultaneous calls. Quadruple data center redundancy. $25 monthly minimum spend required. Tutorial and sign up details are here.
The lynchpin of Incredible PBX 2020 and beyond is ClearlyIP components which bring management of FreePBX modules and SIP phone integration to a level never before available with any other Asterisk distribution. And now you can configure and reconfigure your new Incredible PBX phones from the convenience of the Incredible PBX GUI.
VitalPBX is perhaps the fastest-growing PBX offering based upon Asterisk with an installed presence in more than 100 countries worldwide. VitalPBX has generously provided a customized White Label version of Incredible PBX tailored for use with all Incredible PBX and VitalPBX custom applications. Follow this link for a free test drive!
Special Thanks to Vitelity. Vitelity is now Voyant Communications and has halted new registrations for the time being. Our special thanks to Vitelity for their unwavering financial support over many years and to the many Nerd Vittles readers who continue to enjoy the benefits of their service offerings. We will keep everyone posted on further developments.

The Next Best Thing to (formerly free) Google Voice

Today we want to once again shine the spotlight on LocalPhone, an oft-overlooked VoIP service that’s been around forever. You can call to and be called from any LocalPhone user at no cost. They also offer phone numbers (DIDs) of your choice almost anywhere in the world with free or almost free incoming calls. For those wanting a U.S. DID, the cost is 99¢ a month with a $3 setup fee. That gets you up to 100 free incoming calls a day to your PBX or any SIP phone. Additional calls are a penny per call. There are no limitations on the duration of the calls. If you prefer to forward the calls to your cellphone number in the contiguous U.S., there’s an additional fee of 0.5¢ per minute. But there’s little reason to do that when sending the calls to a SIP softphone on your Android device or iPhone is free. And now the mobile LocalPhone app supports PUSH Notifications. We’ll show you how.
FYI: Nerd Vittles receives a referral credit to keep the lights on when you sign up for service.
Deciphering Your SIP Credentials with LocalPhone
Once you have signed up for a LocalPhone account, the first thing you’ll want to do is make note of your Internet Phone credentials under My Account. These are what we typically refer to as SIP credentials consisting of a SIP ID, SIP password, and SIP server (localphone.com). That’s all you’ll need to configure an incoming LocalPhone trunk on any Incredible PBX® server. And these are the same settings you’d use to configure any SIP phone running on any Android or iOS device. As we noted, you and any other LocalPhone user can call any Internet Phone number worldwide at no cost without limitation. For world travelers, you’ll want to download the LocalPhone app for your smartphone (Android or iOS) and take advantage of their extremely competitive international calling rates.1

Ordering Incoming Numbers (DIDs) from LocalPhone
Begin by funding your account under My Account -> Add Credit. $10 will last you a long time.
The next step is to order one or more incoming phone numbers from LocalPhone.2 If you have friends in far away places that call you frequently, you can purchase DIDs in those locations to eliminate the cost of incoming calls both to them and to you. If you only want a dirt cheap U.S. DID for your home or small office, then LocalPhone is also a perfect fit. Navigate to My Account -> Incoming Numbers and choose the United States as the desired Country. Next, pick the State and City for the desired DID. For free incoming calls, set Call Forwarding and Caller ID for Internet Phone to your assigned Internet Phone SIP ID. You can also elect to forward calls to a SIP URI, if desired. Agree to the terms of use and make your purchase.
Configuring a LocalPhone Trunk with Incredible PBX
We’ve previously covered the LocalPhone trunk setup with Wazo. Most other releases of Incredible PBX include preconfigured LocalPhone trunks for incoming and outgoing calls. Login to the Incredible PBX GUI as admin using your favorite browser and navigate to Connectivity -> Trunks and edit the LocalPhone-In trunk. Set Disable Trunk to NO. Then click the sip-Settings tab. Insert your LocalPhone SIP ID in the username, fromuser, and authuser fields. Insert your LocalPhone SIP Password in the secret field. Change the context field entry to from-trunk. Click on the Incoming tab, and modify the Register String 9999999:yourpassword@localphone.com/9999999 replacing 9999999 with your LocalPhone SIP ID and yourpassword with your LocalPhone SIP Password. Click the Submit button and reload your dialplan when prompted.
Navigate to Connectivity -> Inbound Routes and create a new Inbound Route for LocalPhone using your SIP ID as the DID Number and choosing a desired Destination for incoming calls from your LocalPhone DID. Save your settings and reload the dialplan when prompted.
Configuring a LocalPhone Trunk with VitalPBX
Login to the VitalPBX GUI as admin using your favorite browser and navigate to PBX -> External -> Trunks. Create a new SIP trunk with the following settings replacing 999999 with your LocalPhone SIP ID and 1234 with the LocalPhone SIP Password. Leave the Device for Incoming Calls (User) section blank. Then click SAVE and reload your dialplan.
- Description: LocalPhone
- Codecs: ulaw,alaw
- Local Username: 999999
- Remote Host: localphone.com
- Remote Port: 5060
- Local Secret: 1234
- Insecure: Port,Invite
- Allow Inbound Calls: YES
- Username: [leave blank]
- Host: [leave blank]
- Local Secret: [leave blank]
- Remote Username: 999999
- Remote Secret: 1234
- From User: 999999
- From Domain: localphone.com
- Qualify: YES
- Insecure: [leave blank]
- IP Authentication: NO
- Qualify: [leave default]
- Register String: 999999:1234@localphone.com/999999
Navigate to PBX -> External -> Inbound Routes. Create a new Inbound Route for LocalPhone using your SIP ID as the DID Number and choosing a desired Destination for incoming calls from your LocalPhone DID. Save your settings and reload the dialplan when prompted.
Configuring a LocalPhone Trunk with FreePBX
Login to the FreePBX® GUI as admin using your favorite browser and navigate to Connectivity -> Trunks. Add a new chan_sip trunk named localphone. Then click on the sipSettings tab and enter the following replacing 999999 with your LocalPhone SIP ID and 1234 with the LocalPhone SIP Password.
- username=9999999
- type=friend
- secret=1234
- nat=no
- insecure=port,invite
- host=localphone.com
- fromuser=9999999
- fromdomain=localphone.com
- dtmfmode=rfc2833
- disallow=all
- context=from-trunk
- canreinvite=no
- authuser=9999999
- allow=ulaw&alaw
Next, click on the Incoming tab and enter the following Register String replacing 999999 with your LocalPhone SIP ID and 1234 with the LocalPhone SIP Password:
Then click SUBMIT and reload your dialplan.
Navigate to Connectivity -> Inbound Routes and create a new Inbound Route for LocalPhone using your SIP ID as the DID Number and choosing a desired Destination for incoming calls from your LocalPhone DID. Save your settings and reload the dialplan when prompted.
Using Local Numbers for International Calls
LocalPhone has a unique feature that lets you dial a local number from a phone number you have whitelisted in your country and reach almost anyone in the world that you’ve added to your Contacts List. You only pay LocalPhone’s discounted international calling rate for the calls. For example, to call a landline in the U.K. from the U.S. using a LocalPhone-provided U.S. phone number, the calling rate is less than a penny a minute. A call to Cyprus by dialing a U.S. number assigned to your account for your whitelisted phone numbers is 4.5 cents per minute. To get started setting up your whitelisted phone numbers and contacts list, navigate to My Account -> Local Numbers in your LocalPhone account. In your Local Numbers list, first add and verify phone numbers you want to authorize to make calls on your nickel. Next, add the names and phone numbers of international destinations you wish to reach by dialing a local number. LocalPhone will immediately assign a local number for each destination. Simply add these local numbers to the contacts list on your smartphone, and you can call from anywhere in your country at the discounted LocalPhone international calling rates. There are no double-dialing or call menus to navigate. Dialing the assigned local number transparently connects you directly to your destination with no intermediate hurdles.
Using LocalPhone with Other Trunk Providers
So long as your PBX doesn’t have more than two incoming calls to a single DID at the same time, the most economical PBX design is to use LocalPhone DIDs as your published DIDs. This reduces the cost of incoming calls to less than a dollar a month per DID for up to 3,000 incoming calls of unlimited duration. Then use one of our Platinum Sponsors, Skyetel or our soon-to-be-available ClearlyIP SIP trunking service for outbound calls and spoof the outbound CallerID on those other trunks using your LocalPhone DID.
Enjoying the Best of All Worlds with LocalPhone
If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone in addition to a PBX, you can take advantage of LocalPhone’s ability to send incoming calls to multiple destinations. Just make sure your PBX isn’t routing the incoming calls to a destination that is automatically answered, e.g. an IVR. On your Android phone, download the VitalPBX Communicator from the Google Play Store and configure a SIP connection using your LocalPhone SIP credentials. Incoming calls from your LocalPhone DIDs and Internet Phone Number now will be sent to both destinations.
If you have followed one of our previous tutorials that document making SIP URI calls from either a PBX or a SIP client such as LinPhone on your smartphone, then you can take advantage of LocalPhone’s incoming SIP URI feature.3 Just dial 9999999@localphone.com where 9999999 is any LocalPhone SIP ID. You also can add Custom Extensions in Incredible PBX much like the Lenny extension using a Dial string of SIP/9999999@localphone.com to reach worldwide LocalPhone destinations from any PBX extension at no cost. Enjoy!
Originally published: Monday, December 9, 2019

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.

- Rates are based on the lowest pay as you go per-minute price to call a landline or a mobile. Skype is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [↩]
- LocalPhone advises that DID fulfillment can take up to 14 days although our orders always have been completed in less than an hour. [↩]
- LocalPhone offers call filtering for your Internet Phone number using either a blacklist or whitelist in addition to offering the option of blocking anonymous calls. [↩]
Meet Incredible PBX 2020 for CentOS 7

We are pleased to introduce the production-ready release of Incredible PBX® 2020 for CentOS 7 with the latest version of Asterisk® 16 and the Clearly IP-enhanced FreePBX® 15 components supporting the new Incredible PBX line of SIP phones. Today’s the final day to score some incredible deals on Incredible PBX hardware (above) and, for those that prefer cloud-based platforms, the new Incredible PBX 2020 installer for CentOS 7 is now available as well. Complete documentation is provided below for do-it-yourselfers.
In addition to the latest Asterisk 16 release, you also get the entire FreePBX 15 GPL module collection including the ClearlyIP-enhanced User Control Panel (UCP) plus the Incredible PBX device management module which lets you provision the entire Incredible PBX phone line from within the GUI. The module also allows direct integration with PBX functions allowing your end-users to control their button maps, BLF, speed dials and applications such as presence control, follow-me settings and login-logout coming soon. As new applications are added or developed they will be available for use on the Incredible PBX phones.
Incredible PBX 2020 is plug-and-play with immediate calling capability using any of four commercial SIP providers. And ClearlyIP self-configuring trunks will be available later this month with native SMS capability as well as inbound AND outbound CNAM and E911 support. For do-it-yourselfers, you can choose one of 16 other preconfigured SIP providers, enter your credentials, and enjoy instant connectivity without worrying about SIP settings. Last, but not least, you can easily turn your Incredible PBX 2020 server into a secure public-facing PBX, add fax support, or interconnect a Raspberry Pi for traveling so that you never miss a call.

What’s Included? Incredible PBX 2020 serves up a VoIP powerhouse featuring Asterisk 16, the FreePBX 15 GPL platform including User Control Panel (UCP), an Apache web server, the latest MariaDB SQL server (formerly MySQL), SendMail, and the Incredible PBX feature set including SIP, SMS, Opus, voice recognition, PicoTTS Text-to-Speech VoIP applications plus fax support, Click-to-Dial, News, Weather, Reminders, ODBC, and hundreds of features that typically are found in commercial PBXs: Conferencing, IVRs and AutoAttendants, Email Delivery of Voicemails, and much more.
Choosing a SIP Provider. Incredible PBX 2020 comes preconfigured with support for five SIP extensions and four of the major SIP providers: Skyetel, VoIP.ms, V1VoIP, and Anveo Direct. We obviously hope you’ll choose Skyetel not only because they financially support Nerd Vittles and our open source projects, but also because it is a clearly superior platform offering crystal-clear communications and triple-redundancy so you never miss a call. Skyetel also sets itself apart from the other providers in the support department. They actually respond to issues, and there’s never a charge. As the old saying goes, they may not be the cheapest, but you get what you pay for. Even without taking advantage of Nerd Vittles half-price offer on up to $500 of Skyetel services, they’re still dirt cheap compared to the Bell Sisters and cable companies. Skyetel is so sure you’ll love their service that they give you a $10 credit to kick the tires before you ever spend a dime. Traditional DIDs are $1 per month. Outbound conversational calls are $0.012 per minute. Incoming conversational calls are a penny a minute, and CallerID lookups are $0.004. You only pay for minutes you use. Once you’re satisfied with the service and fund your account, you can port in your existing DIDs at no cost for 60 days after signup. In short, you have nothing to lose by trying out the Skyetel service. Effective 10/1/2023, $25/month minimum spend required.
Choosing a Platform for Incredible PBX 2020
As with our other open source offerings, the platform choice for Incredible PBX 2020 depends upon a number of factors. For on-premise installations, we recommend you consider the Incredible PBX server which works well for home or SOHO implementations. Cloud-based platforms are available for about $2-$5 a month. We no longer recommend the OpenVZ offerings below because of a bug in the SolusVM systemd implementation with CentOS 7. KVM platforms are much more robust and reliable, but you still need off-site backups AND a tested backup plan. Three providers previously listed have closed their doors in 2019. You’ve been warned.
Vultr, Digital Ocean, and OVH are your best bets at the moment. And Vultr and Digital Ocean both support Nerd Vittles through referral credits.
Provider | RAM | Disk | Bandwidth | Performance as of 12/1/19 | Cost |
CrownCloud KVM (LA) | 1GB | 20GB + Snapshot | 1TB/month | 598Mb/DN 281Mb/UP 2CPU Core | $25/year Best Buy! |
Naranjatech KVM (The Netherlands) | 1GB | 20GB | 1TB/month | Hosting since 2005 VAT: EU res. | 20€/year w/code: SBF2019 |
BudgetNode KVM (LA) | 1GB | 40GB RAID10 | 1TB/month | Also available in U.K PM @Ishaq on LET before payment | $24/year |
FreeRangeCloud KVM (Ashburn VA, Winnipeg, Freemont CA) | 1GB | 20GB SSD | 3TB/month | Pick EGG loc'n Open ticket for last 5GB SSD | $30/year w/code: LEBEGG30 |
Installing Incredible PBX 2020 with CentOS 7
NOTE: The generic Incredible PBX 2020 tarball below is suitable for ALL CentOS 7 platforms. If you are installing Incredible PBX on dedicated hardware, a slightly enhanced implementation of Asterisk is possible using the BUILD_NATIVE flag. Do not use this option on virtual machine platforms or in environments where the processor may change if you may migrate to new hardware down the road as Asterisk will not load successfully. To download the enhanced version, replace the incrediblepbx2020.1.tar.gz lines below with this tarball: incrediblepbx2020.1.native.tar.gz.
If you’ve installed previous iterations of Incredible PBX, today’s drill is similar. Here is a thumbnail sketch of the install procedure for Incredible PBX 2020. Begin by installing a minimal CentOS 7 (64-bit) platform or pick the CentOS 7 option with 1GB RAM and 20GB of storage from your cloud provider’s menu of choices. Then log into your server as root using SSH or Putty from a desktop PC that you will use to manage your PBX. This assures that your desktop machine gets whitelisted in the firewall setup. Now issue the following commands:
passwd yum -y update yum -y install net-tools nano wget tar cd /root wget http://incrediblepbx.com/incrediblepbx2020.1.tar.gz tar zxvf incrediblepbx2020.1.tar.gz rm -f incrediblepbx2020.1.tar.gz # to add swap file on non-OpenVZ cloud platforms with no swap file ./create-swapfile-DO # kick off Phase I install ./IncrediblePBX2020.sh # after reboot, kick off Phase II install ./IncrediblePBX2020.sh # set desired timezone ./timezone-setup # set FreePBX admin password ./admin-pw-change # set Apache admin password for AsteriDex and Reminders ./apache-pw-change # display your passwords ./show-passwords # optionally install Incredible Fax 2020 ./incrediblefax2020.sh # remember to enable TUN/TAP if using VPS Control Panel with OpenVZ # reconfigure PortKnocker if installing on an OpenVZ platform echo 'OPTIONS="-i venet0:0"' >> /etc/sysconfig/knockd service knockd restart # set up NeoRouter VPN client, if desired nrclientcmd # check network speed wget -O speedtest-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py chmod +x speedtest-cli ./speedtest-cli
WebMin is also installed and configured as part of the base install. The root password for access is the same as your Linux root password. We strongly recommend that you not use WebMin to make configuration changes to your server. You may inadvertently damage the operation of your PBX beyond repair. WebMin is an excellent tool to LOOK at how your server is configured. When used for that purpose, we highly recommend WebMin as a way to become familiar with your Linux configuration.
Planning Ahead for That Rainy Day
If you haven’t already learned the hard way, let us save you from a future shock. Hardware fails. All of it. So spend an extra hour now so that you’ll be prepared when (not if) disaster strikes. First, once you have your new PBX configured the way you plan to use it, make a backup of your PBX by running the Incredible Backup script: /root/incrediblebackup16
Copy down the name of the backup file that was created. You’ll need it in a few minutes.
Second, build yourself an identical VirtualBox platform on your desktop PC. It’s the same steps as outlined above.
Next, create a /backup folder on your VirtualBox PBX and copy the backup file from your main server to your VirtualBox server and restore it after logging in to VirtualBox PBX as root:
mkdir /backup scp root@main-pbx-ip-address:/backup/backup-file-name.tar.gz /backup/. /root/incrediblerestore16 /backup/backup-file-name.tar.gz
Complaints that you "forgot" to make a backup and your hardware has failed or your provider has gone out of business are not welcomed. We’re sorry for your loss. Case closed.
Completing the Incredible PBX Setup Procedure
Unless your desktop PC and server are both on the same private LAN, the install procedure should be performed from a desktop PC using SSH or Putty. This will insure that your desktop PC is also whitelisted in the Incredible PBX firewall. Using the console to perform the install is NOT recommended as your desktop PC will not be whitelisted in the firewall. This may result in your not being able to log in to your server. Once you have network connectivity, log in to your server as root from a desktop PC using your root password. Accept the license agreement by pressing ENTER.
Kick off the Phase I install. Once your server reboots and you log back in as root, start the Phase II install. All of your passwords will be randomly assigned with the exception of the root user Linux password. You can set it at any time by issuing the command: passwd
. You also must set up an admin password to access the FreePBX web GUI with the command: /root/admin-pw-change
. With the exception of your root user and FreePBX admin passwords, most of the remaining passwords can be displayed using the command: /root/show-passwords
Finally, if your PBX is sitting behind a NAT-based router, you’ll need to redirect incoming UDP 5060 and UDP 10000-20000 traffic to the private IP address of your PBX. This is required for all of the SIP providers included in the Incredible PBX 2020 default build that don’t require a SIP registration. Otherwise, inbound calls will fail.

Configuring Skyetel for Incredible PBX 2020
If you’ve decided to go with Skyetel, here’s the drill. Sign up for Skyetel service and take advantage of the Nerd Vittles specials. First, complete the Prequalification Form here. You then will be provided a link to the Skyetel site to complete your registration. Once you have registered on the Skyetel site and your account has been activated, open a support ticket and request the $10 credit for your account by referencing the Nerd Vittles special offer. Once you are satisfied with the service, fund your account as desired, and Skyetel will match your deposit of up to $250 simply by opening another ticket. That gets you up to $500 of half-price calling. Credit is limited to one per person/company/address/location.
Skyetel does not use SIP registrations to make connections to your PBX. Instead, Skyetel utilizes Endpoint Groups to identify which servers can communicate with the Skyetel service. An Endpoint Group consists of a Name, an IP address, a UDP or TCP port for the connection, and a numerical Priority for the group. For incoming calls destined to your PBX, DIDs are associated with an Endpoint Group to route the calls to your PBX. For outgoing calls from your PBX, a matching Endpoint Group is required to authorize outbound calls through the Skyetel network. Thus, the first step in configuring the Skyetel side for use with your PBX is to set up an Endpoint Group. Here’s a typical setup for Incredible PBX 2020:
- Name: MyPBX
- Priority: 1
- IP Address: PBX-Public-IP-Address
- Port: 5060
- Protocol: UDP
- Description: my.incrediblepbx.com
To receive incoming PSTN calls, you’ll need at least one DID. On the Skyetel site, you acquire DIDs under the Phone Numbers tab. You have the option of Porting in Existing Numbers (free for the first 60 days after you sign up for service) or purchasing new ones under the Buy Phone Numbers menu option.
Once you have acquired one or more DIDs, navigate to the Local Numbers or Toll Free Numbers tab and specify the desired SIP Format and Endpoint Group for each DID. Add SMS/MMS and E911 support, if desired. Call Forwarding and Failover are also supported. That completes the VoIP setup on the Skyetel side. System Status is always available here.
Configuring VoIP.ms for Incredible PBX 2020
To sign up for VoIP.ms service, may we suggest you use our signup link so that Nerd Vittles gets a referral credit for your signup. Once your account is set up, you’ll need to set up a SIP SubAccount and, for Authentication Type, choose Static IP Authentication and enter your Incredible PBX 2020 server’s public IP address. For Transport, choose UDP. For Device Type, choose Asterisk, IP PBX, Gateway or VoIP Switch. Order a DID in their web panel, and then point the DID to the SubAccount you just created. Be sure to specify atlanta1.voip.ms as the POP from which to receive incoming calls. In the Incredible PBX GUI, be sure to enable the VoIP.ms trunk.
Configuring V1VoIP for Incredible PBX 2020
To sign up for V1VoIP service, sign up on their web site. Then login to your account and order a DID under the DIDs tab. Once the DID has been assigned, choose View DIDs and click on the Forwarding button beside your DID. For Option #1, choose Forward to IP Address/PBX. For the Forwarding Address, enter the public IP address of your server. For the T/O (timeout) value, set it to 2o seconds. Then click the Update button. Under the Termination tab, create a new Endpoint with the public IP address of your server so that you can place outbound calls through V1VoIP. In the Incredible PBX GUI, be sure to enable all of the V1VoIP trunks.
Configuring Anveo Direct for Incredible PBX 2020
To sign up for Anveo Direct service, sign up on their web site and then login. After adding funds to your account, purchase a DID under Inbound Service -> Order DID. Next, choose Configure Destination SIP Trunk. Give the Trunk a name. For the Primary SIP URI, enter $[E164]$@server-IP-address. For Call Options, select your new DID from the list. You also must whitelist your public IP address under Outbound Service -> Configure. Create a new Call Termination Trunk and name it to match your server. For Dialing Prefix, choose six alphanumeric characters beginning with a zero. In Authorized IP Addresses, enter the public IP address of your server. Set an appropriate rate cap. We like $0.01 per minute to be safe. Set a concurrent calls limit. We like 2. For the Call Routing Method, choose Least Cost unless you’re feeling extravagant. For Routes/Carriers, choose Standard Routes. Write down your Dialing Prefix and then click the Save button.
Before you can make outbound calls through Anveo Direct from your PBX, you first must configure the Dialing Prefix that you wrote down in the previous step. Log into the GUI as admin using a web browser and edit the Anveo-Out trunk in Connectivity -> Trunks. Enable the Trunk. Then click on the custom-Settings tab and replace anveo-pin with your actual Dialing Prefix. Click Submit and Apply Config to complete the setup. In the Incredible PBX GUI, be sure to enable all of the remaining Anveo trunks.
By default, incoming Anveo Direct calls will be processed by the Default inbound route on your PBX. If you wish to redirect incoming Anveo Direct calls using DID-specific inbound routes, then you’ve got a bit more work to do. In addition to creating the inbound route using the 11-digit Anveo Direct DID, enter the following commands after logging into your server as root using SSH/Putty:
cd /etc/asterisk echo "[from-anveo]" >> extensions_custom.conf echo "exten => _.,1,Ringing" >> extensions_custom.conf echo "exten => _.,n,Goto(from-trunk,\${SIP_HEADER(X-anveo-e164)},1)" >> extensions_custom.conf asterisk -rx "dialplan reload"
Configuring a Softphone for Incredible PBX 2020
We’re in the home stretch now. You can connect virtually any kind of telephone to your new PBX. Plain Old Phones require an analog telephone adapter (ATA) which can be a separate board in your computer from a company such as Digium. Or it can be a standalone SIP device such as ObiHai’s OBi100 or OBi110 (if you have a phone line from Ma Bell to hook up as well). SIP phones can be connected directly so long as they have an IP address. These could be hardware devices or software devices such as the YateClient softphone. We’ll start with a free one today so you can begin making calls. You can find dozens of recommendations for hardware-based SIP phones both on Nerd Vittles and the PIAF Forum when you’re ready to get serious about VoIP telephony.
We recommend YateClient which is free. Download it from here. Run YateClient once you’ve installed it and enter the credentials for the 701 extension on Incredible PBX. You can find them by running /root/show-passwords
. You’ll need the IP address of your server plus your extension 701 password. In the YateClient, fill in the blanks using the IP address of your Server, 701 for your Username, and whatever Password was assigned to the extension when you installed Incredible PBX. Click OK to save your entries.

Once you are registered to extension 701, close the Account window. Then click on YATE’s Telephony Tab and place some test calls to the numerous apps that are preconfigured on Incredible PBX. Dial a few of these to get started:
DEMO - Apps Demo 123 - Reminders 947 - Weather by ZIP Code 951 - Yahoo News TODAY - Today in History LENNY - The Telemarketer's Worst Nightmare
If you are a Mac user, another great no-frills softphone is Telephone. Just download and install it from the Mac App Store. For Android users, check out the terrific new VitalPBX Communicator. Works flawlessly with Incredible PBX.
Audio Issues with Incredible PBX 2020
If you experience one-way or no audio on some calls, add your external IP address and LAN subnet in the GUI by navigating to Settings -> Asterisk SIP Settings. In the NAT Settings section, click Detect Network Settings. Click Submit and Apply Settings to save your changes.
Incredible PBX 2020 Administration
We’ve eased the pain of administering your new PBX with a collection of scripts which you will find in the /root folder after logging in with SSH or Putty. Here’s a quick summary of what each of the scripts does.
add-fqdn is used to whitelist a fully-qualified domain name in the firewall. Because Incredible PBX 2020 blocks all traffic from IP addresses that are not whitelisted, this is what you use to authorize an external user for your PBX. The advantage of an FQDN is that you can use a dynamic DNS service to automatically update the IP address associated with an FQDN so that you never lose connectivity.
add-ip is used to whitelist a public IP address in the firewall. See the add-fqdn explanation as to why this matters.
del-acct is used to remove an IP address or FQDN from the firewall’s whitelist.
admin-pw-change is used to set the admin password for access to the FreePBX/Incredible PBX web GUI using a browser pointed to the local IP address of your server.
apache-pw-change is used to set the admin password for access to Apache/Incredible PBX apps including AsteriDex and Reminders. This provides a password layer of protection for access to these applications.
reset-conference-pins is a script that automatically and randomly resets the user and admin pins for access to the preconfigured conferencing application. Dial C-O-N-F from any registered SIP phone to connect to the conference.
reset-extension-passwords is a script that automatically and randomly resets ALL of the SIP passwords for extensions 701-705. Be careful using this one, or you may disable existing registered phones and cause Fail2Ban to blacklist the IP addresses of those users. HINT: You can place a call to the Ring Group associated with all five extensions by dialing 777.
reset-reminders-pin is a script that automatically and randomly resets the pin required to access the Telephone Reminders application by dialing 123. It’s important to protect this application because a nefarious user could set up a reminder to call a number anywhere in the world assuming your SIP provider’s account was configured to allow such calls.
show-feature-codes is a cheat sheet for all of the feature codes which can be dialed from any registered SIP phone. It documents how powerful a platform Incredible PBX 2020 actually is. A similar listing is available in the GUI at Admin -> Feature Codes.
show-passwords is a script that displays most of the passwords associated with Incredible PBX 2020. This includes SIP extension passwords, voicemail pins, conference pins, telephone reminders pin, and your Anveo Direct outbound calling pin (if configured). Note that voicemail pins are configured by the user of a SIP extension the first time the user accesses the voicemail system by dialing *97.
update-IncrediblePBX is the Automatic Update Utility which checks for server updates from incrediblepbx.com every time you log into your server as root using SSH or Putty. Do NOT disable it as it is used to load important fixes and security updates when necessary. We recommend logging into your server at least once a week.
pbxstatus (shown above) displays status of all major components of Incredible PBX 2020.
Forwarding Calls to Your Cellphone. Keep in mind that inbound calls to your DIDs automatically ring all five SIP extensions, 701-705. The easiest way to also ring your cellphone is to set one of these five extensions to forward incoming calls to your cellphone. After logging into your PBX as root, issue the following command to forward calls from extension 705 to your cellphone: asterisk -rx "database put CF 705 6781234567"
To remove call forwarding: asterisk -rx "database del CF 705"
Configuring SendMail with Incredible PBX 2020
In order to receive voicemails by email delivery, outbound mail functionality from your server obviously is required. If you’ve deployed your server in your home, your Internet Service Provider probably blocks downstream mail servers such as Incredible PBX from sending mail. This is done to reduce SPAM. In this case, you will need to configure SendMail using either your ISP or Gmail as an SMTP Relay Host. NOTE: If you are using a Gmail account with 2-step verification enabled, you MUST use a Gmail App Key instead of your Gmail account password. You also must enable Less Secure Apps access to the Gmail account. Here are the steps using a Gmail account:
cd /etc/mail yum -y install sendmail-cf hostname -f > genericsdomain touch genericstable cd /usr/bin rm -f makemap ln -s ../sbin/makemap.sendmail makemap cd /etc/mail makemap -r hash genericstable.db < genericstable mv sendmail.mc sendmail.mc.original wget http://incrediblepbx.com/sendmail.mc.gmail cp sendmail.mc.gmail sendmail.mc mkdir -p auth chmod 700 auth cd auth echo AuthInfo:smtp.gmail.com \\"U:smmsp\\" \\"I:user_id\\" \\"P:password\\" \\"M:PLAIN\\" > client-info echo AuthInfo:smtp.gmail.com:587 \\"U:smmsp\\" \\"I:user_id\\" \\"P:password\\" \\"M:PLAIN\\" >> client-info echo AuthInfo:smtp.gmail.com:465 \\"U:smmsp\\" \\"I:user_id\\" \\"P:password\\" \\"M:PLAIN\\" >> client-info # Stop here and edit client-info (nano -w client-info) in all three lines. # Replace user_id with your gMail account name without @gmail.com # Replace password with your real gMail password OR # use your Gmail App Key if 2-step verification is enabled # Be sure to replace the double-quotes shown above if they don't appear in the file!!! # Save your changes (Ctrl-X, Y, then Enter) chmod 600 client-info makemap -r hash client-info.db < client-info cd .. # on Debian servers, uncomment next line # sed -i 's|sendmail-cf|sendmail/cf|' Makefile make systemctl restart sendmail
If your server is hosted in the cloud and your provider does not block TCP port 25, then you can send mail without using a SmartHost; however, your server's hostname must actually be real or downstream mail servers will reject your mail. You can set your server's hostname like this: hostname myserver.myhost.com. This is usually sufficient; however, it's a good idea to also add the hostname in /etc/hostname and in /etc/hosts as the first entry on line: myserver.myhost.com pbx.local localhost localhost.localdomain
Next, test outbound mail using this command with your actual email address:
echo "test" | mail -s testmessage yourname@youremaildomain.com
Once you are sure your emails are being delivered reliably, here's a sample GUI voicemail configuration for an extension:

Getting Started with Incredible Fax 2020
Believe it or not, there still are lots of folks that use faxes in their everyday lives. If you're one of them, Incredible PBX has your back. Begin by logging into your server as root and running incrediblefax2020.sh to install HylaFax and AvantFax on your server. You'll be prompted a dozen or more times for information. Answer no to the secure fax question. For the rest of the prompts, just press ENTER to accept the default entries. Rebooting your server is required when the install finishes. Once your server is back on line, there will be a new AvantFax tab in the GUI. Before proceeding, be sure to set an Apache web apps password by running /root/apache-pw-change. Next, login to AvantFax with your browser. You first will be prompted for your Apache credentials. Enter admin for the username and whatever password you set up in the previous step. Then you will be prompted for your AvantFax credentials. The default is admin:password. After you enter the username and password, you will be prompted to change your admin password. The old password is still password. Then enter your desired password twice and save the setting. The AvantFax dashboard then will display. If nothing has come unglued, you should see four green Idle icons:

You can Send Faxes from within AvantFax by choosing the Send Fax tab, or you can use one of many HylaFax clients. Google is your friend.
Getting Started with ODBC for Asterisk
If you're new to the ODBC World, here's a quick primer. The idea behind Open Data Base Connectivity is to simplify the task of connecting up any flavor database management system so that it can talk to applications and foreign databases without having to write custom code to support every different DBMS. ODBC serves in much the same way as a translator who sits between you and foreign visitors. With the benefit of a translator, whatever is spoken is understood on both ends of the conversation. The real beauty of ODBC is that it is conversant with almost every DBMS offering on the planet including Oracle, Informix, SAS, MS Access, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and even dBase, FoxPro, and XDB. All you really need is the ODBC connector for your operating system plus one or more database drivers for the DBMS data sources you wish to use.
Because the FreePBX modules are driven by MySQL tables, we've included the MySQL connector for Asterisk in Incredible PBX 2020 together with two sample applications to get you started. If you add your own MySQL databases, it's easy to connect them with ODBC by simply running the odbc-gen.sh script in /root again. The two sample applications we've included will show you how to integrate ODBC queries into your Asterisk dialplan. The code is available in odbc.conf in the /etc/asterisk folder. The first sample is a typical employee database. By dialing 222, you will be prompted to enter the employee number (12345), and the ODBC app then will look up the employee number and read you the name of the employee. The second sample is a speed dialer using the AsteriDex database. The sample entries in the database include a 3-numeric-digit DIALCODE which simply matches the first three letters of each AsteriDex name spelled out on a phone, e.g. 335 = DELta Airlines and 263 = AMErican Airlines. As you add new entries to AsteriDex, you can add dialcodes in the same way or in any other scheme you prefer. Once you have signed up with a provider so that you can make outbound calls, just dial 223 and enter the AsteriDex dialcode to place the call. Think of it as a Speed Dialer on Steroids.
Keeping FreePBX 15 Modules Current
We strongly recommend that you periodically update all of your FreePBX modules to eliminate bugs and to reduce security vulnerabilities. From the Linux CLI, log into your server as root and issue the following commands:
mysql -u root -ppassw0rd asterisk -e "UPDATE freepbx_settings SET value = 'https://mirror.clearlyip.com' where keyword = 'MODULE_REPO';" rm -f /tmp/* fwconsole ma upgradeall fwconsole reload /root/sig-fix service httpd restart /root/sig-fix
Where To Go From Here
Complete documentation on the ClearlyIP Devices Module is available here.
Complete documentation on the FreePBX GPL Modules is available here.
Complete documentation on the Incredible PBX additions is available here.
An introduction to configuring extensions, trunks, and routes is available here.
Originally published: Monday, December 2, 2019

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.
BOGO Bonaza: Enjoy state-of-the-art VoIP service with a $10 credit and half-price SIP service on up to $500 of Skyetel trunking with free number porting when you fund your Skyetel account. No limits on number of simultaneous calls. Quadruple data center redundancy. $25 monthly minimum spend required. Tutorial and sign up details are here.
The lynchpin of Incredible PBX 2020 and beyond is ClearlyIP components which bring management of FreePBX modules and SIP phone integration to a level never before available with any other Asterisk distribution. And now you can configure and reconfigure your new Incredible PBX phones from the convenience of the Incredible PBX GUI.
VitalPBX is perhaps the fastest-growing PBX offering based upon Asterisk with an installed presence in more than 100 countries worldwide. VitalPBX has generously provided a customized White Label version of Incredible PBX tailored for use with all Incredible PBX and VitalPBX custom applications. Follow this link for a free test drive!
Special Thanks to Vitelity. Vitelity is now Voyant Communications and has halted new registrations for the time being. Our special thanks to Vitelity for their unwavering financial support over many years and to the many Nerd Vittles readers who continue to enjoy the benefits of their service offerings. We will keep everyone posted on further developments.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday & Beyond: Incredible PBX 2020

We’re pleased to announce our first-ever hardware featuring the new Incredible PBX 2020. This new PBX hardware platform introduces customized versions of Asterisk® 16 and FreePBX® 15 that offer integrated FXO and FXS components together with a line of self-configuring, turnkey SIP phones. In addition, inbound and outbound CNAM delivery as well as SMS messaging are integral components of the platform plus all-new support for Kari’s Law 911 location identification on a per extension basis. For those managing larger deployments, you can opt to brand your own PBXs and phones, or you can deploy any of our three different implementations of FreePBX 15: standard, enhanced, and bleeding edge.
The Black Friday/Cyber Monday Special
Normally, the Incredible PBX 2020 appliance will be offered at $399 and the SIP phones are competitively priced from MSRP $99 to $179 with discounts available to resellers. Beginning on Black Friday until midnight on Cyber Monday, you can purchase the Incredible PBX 2020 appliance bundled with the top-of- the-line $179 CIP270 WiFi phone for $399. Or purchase the Incredible PBX 2020 appliance with no SIP phone for $299. You also can purchase a bundle of all three SIP phones for $299. Delivery of Appliances can be expected to coincide with Santa’s arrival while Incredible PBX-branded phones already are in stock and available.
On Black Friday, you can purchase these special offerings HERE. First come, first delivered.
Incredible PBX 2020 Appliance
The new Incredible PBX 2020 appliance is a perfect fit for home and SOHO deployments. The appliance has been successfully tested with 40 users and 10 concurrent calls. Plug in a network cable and add SIP trunking or an analog POTS line using the native FXO port, and you’ll have a turnkey PBX in minutes.

Technical Specifications:
- Quad Core Atom Processor
- 2GB Memory
- 32GB SSD Storage
- 2 10/100 NICs
- HDMI Port
- Built-in: 1 FXO/1 FXS or 2 FXO Ports
- Incredible PBX 2020 Preinstalled
Incredible PBX 2020 SIP Phones
All of the new Incredible PBX 2020 SIP Phones support the following features:

Introducing Incredible PBX 2020
In coming weeks, we will flesh out all of the new features in Incredible PBX 2020. Suffice it to say, all of the Incredible PBX 16-15 feature set remains. What has been added is a superset of FreePBX 15. Topping the list of new features is an all-new design for the module repository which gives us very tight control over selection, versioning, and deployment of FreePBX modules presented in the Module Admin component. And the new endpoint management module, Clearly IP Devices, lets you preconfigure all of your IPBX-series phones and modify their settings on the fly without ever rebooting your phones. The enhanced User Control Panel Dashboard Widgets now let end-users manage their presence, call forwarding, call events, call history, voicemail and SMS messages from the convenience of a browser. A new firewall also is in the works as well as a number of new surprises. Stay tuned!

Coming Soon: Incredible PBX 2020 SIP Trunking
Later next month, we will introduce a new SIP trunking option that is preconfigured for use with Incredible PBX 2020. As previously noted, these trunks provide inexpensive buckets of minutes with inbound as well as outbound CNAM support. Every DID includes integrated SMS messaging support in FreePBX’s User Control Panel. For larger implementations, Kari’s Law 911 location identification is baked into the platform so emergency services can be directed to the physical location of individual extensions on your PBX without the need to add costly DIDs for every unique location as was required in previous VoIP deployments.
Incredible PBX 2020 Admin/Developer Training
We’re also pleased to announce a four-day bootcamp for Incredible PBX 2020 and FreePBX coming to Charleston or Hilton Head, March 16 through 19, 2020. Seating is limited so block out the dates on your calendar, and we’ll provide signup details in coming weeks.
Originally published: Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.
BOGO Bonaza: Enjoy state-of-the-art VoIP service with a $10 credit and half-price SIP service on up to $500 of Skyetel trunking with free number porting when you fund your Skyetel account. No limits on number of simultaneous calls. Quadruple data center redundancy. $25 monthly minimum spend required. Tutorial and sign up details are here.
The lynchpin of Incredible PBX 2020 and beyond is ClearlyIP components which bring management of FreePBX modules and SIP phone integration to a level never before available with any other Asterisk distribution. And now you can configure and reconfigure your new Incredible PBX phones from the convenience of the Incredible PBX GUI.
VitalPBX is perhaps the fastest-growing PBX offering based upon Asterisk with an installed presence in more than 100 countries worldwide. VitalPBX has generously provided a customized White Label version of Incredible PBX tailored for use with all Incredible PBX and VitalPBX custom applications. Follow this link for a free test drive!
Special Thanks to Vitelity. Vitelity is now Voyant Communications and has halted new registrations for the time being. Our special thanks to Vitelity for their unwavering financial support over many years and to the many Nerd Vittles readers who continue to enjoy the benefits of their service offerings. We will keep everyone posted on further developments.

The SMS Toolkit: Integrating Text Messaging into VitalPBX

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably already know that most folks spend a lot more time texting on their smartphones rather than talking. So it only made sense to develop some useful SMS tools to get the most out of your VitalPBX platform. Today we’re pleased to introduce SMS Toolkit for VitalPBX using SMS-enabled DIDs from Skyetel, VoIP.ms, and Vitelity. Any SMS message sent to an SMS-enabled DID associated with your PBX will be processed by Incredible PBX which will do the heavy lifting and either call you back with the query results or reply to the text message. You can whitelist an IP address in your firewall, retrieve news headlines or a weather forecast, and look up a phone number in your AsteriDex phone book, or place a call through your PBX using the AsteriDex Voice Dialer. You can enable and disable call forwarding from your PBX extension to your smartphone, and a simple SMS command also brings the calling flexibility of DISA to your smartphone. Finally, there are commands to actually help you manage your PBX.
The SMS Toolkit provides two layers of security. First, you must whitelist the phone numbers from which to process queries. Second, for the more vulnerable queries, a PIN is required as well. Here are 15 SMS queries that let you harness the power of Incredible PBX via SMS:
- @help – Play a list of supported SMS commands
- @news – Retrieve latest news headlines from Yahoo
- @weather – Retrieve weather report by zip code
- @wolfram – Siri-like query to Wolfram Alpha
- @whitelist – Whitelist a new IP address in your firewall
- @disa – Use DISA calling from your smartphone with password
- @cf on – Enable call forwarding from PBX extension to smartphone
- @cf off – Disable call forwarding from PBX extension
- @asteridex – Use AsteriDex Voice Dialer to place a call from PBX
- @fail2ban+ XXXXX – Restart Fail2Ban with PIN: XXXXX
- @fail2ban- XXXXX – Stop Fail2Ban with PIN: XXXXX
- @firewall+ XXXXX – Restart FirewallD with PIN: XXXXX
- @firewall- XXXXX – Stop FirewallD with PIN: XXXXX
- @asterisk+ XXXXX – Restart Asterisk with PIN: XXXXX
- @pbxstatus – Returns status of Asterisk, Fail2Ban, and FirewallD
Prerequisites for SMS Toolkit Deployment
To get started, you’ll need a DID from Skyetel, Vitelity, or VoIP.ms that supports SMS messaging. You’ll be hard-pressed to beat our Skyetel special which is summarized at the end of this article, but the choice is all yours. The way this works is you provide a forwarding email address in the Skyetel, Vitelity, or VoIP.ms portal for delivery of incoming SMS messages. These emails will be sent to your PBX where we will use Postfix and our mailcall script to process the messages and deliver the results.
Since Skyetel, Vitelity, and VoIP.ms will be delivering incoming SMS messages by email, it means you’ll also need a dedicated account and fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for your server, e.g. smsuser@mypbx.mydomain.com. While a dynamic IP address will work if you implement automatic FQDN updating on your PBX, a static IP address for your PBX is obviously preferable and our recommended VitalPBX cloud solution provides that.
Implementing the SMS Toolkit for VitalPBX
Let’s walk through the steps to put all the pieces in place for the SMS Toolkit:
- Add a Dedicated Account to Linux for SMS Messaging
- Configure VitalPBX for Receipt of Incoming SMS Emails
- Configure Postfix for Receipt of Incoming Emails
- Obtain and Configure DID with Skyetel, Vitelity, or VoIP.ms
- Install and Configure MailCall Components
1. Adding a Dedicated Account to VitalPBX
To simplify the task of sifting through incoming emails, we’ll want to create a new Linux user account that can be dedicated to receipt of SMS email messages. You can use any name you prefer instead of smsuser. The second and third commands will verify that the account has been created with support for incoming mail. Just log into your server as root and issue the following commands:
adduser smsuser --shell=/bin/false --no-create-home --system -U ls /var/spool/mail/smsuser mail -u smsuser
2. Configuring VitalPBX to Receive Inbound Email
By design, both Postfix and the VitalPBX firewall block incoming email. We’re going to change that but, in doing so, we wish to caution that we don’t want to turn your server into an open mail relay for the spammers of the world. Once we’ve opened up your server to receive email, it’s important to test it to be sure it’s not insecure. Because the SMS Toolkit is intended to be a dedicated application just for you as administrator of your server, it’s equally important not to publicize the FQDN of your server. Once the spammers find your email address, incoming email can be just a big a problem as serving as an open mail relay.
To add a firewall rule in VitalPBX to support incoming SMTP mail traffic, log in to VitalPBX GUI as admin and navigate to Admin:Security:Firewall:Services. Add a new service with the following entries. Then click Save.
- Name: Email
- Protocol: TCP
- Port: 25
Next, click on the Rules tab and add a new service entry for Email with Action: Accept. Then click Save again.
3. Configuring Postfix to Receive Inbound Email
Configuring Postfix to receive incoming email requires a few additions. If you changed the user account (smsuser) above, then do the same in steps #2 and #4 below.
1. Issue the following commands to update Postfix to support incoming email:
cd /etc/postfix cp -p master.cf master.cf.bak wget http://incrediblepbx.com/postfix-master.tar.gz tar zxvf postfix-master.tar.gz rm -f postfix-master.tar.gz postconf -e "inet_interfaces = all"
2. Using the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your server, issue the following commands:
postconf -e "mydestination = your-FQDN, localhost.localdomain, localhost" echo "smsuser: smsuser@your-FQDN" >> /etc/aliases systemctl restart postfix
3. Assuming you don’t mind discarding emails to the root user to avoid malicious spam attacks, enter the following commands. If you prefer to take your chances and preserve root email, omit the first line below:
echo "root: /dev/null" >> /etc/aliases echo "*: /dev/null" >> /etc/aliases newaliases
4. Test your new mail account by sending an email to smsuser@your-FQDN. Wait a bit and check for email: mail -u smsuser. Then delete the email: rm /var/spool/mail/smsuser/*
4a. Configuring Skyetel DID for SMS Email Relay
Effective 10/1/2023, $25/month minimum spend required.
1. In the VitalPBX GUI, navigate to Admin:Security:Firewall:WHITELIST and Add the IP address of the Skyetel SMTP server:
2. Login to your Skyetel Portal and begin by deciphering your Username and Password for access to the Skyetel SMTP server in Tools:Voicemail Transcription.
3. While still in the Skyetel Portal, navigate to Phone Numbers:Local Numbers and click the Settings icon to the right of each DID you wish to enable for SMS messaging.
a. Click on the SMS & MMS tab and fill in the template as shown below using the Email address you’ve assigned to VitalPBX for SMS messaging. Do NOT change the Subject and Body entries, and do NOT click SAVE at this time.

b. Click on SMTP Settings at the bottom of the template. Fill in the SMTP template as shown below using the Username and Password you deciphered in Step #2 above. For the Sender, enter the email address to deliver SMS messages to your smartphone. For Default Recipient, enter the email address associated with your PBX.

c. Finally, click the Save button in the SMTP Settings template and then Save again in the Email template.
d. Repeat these steps for every DID to enable for delivery of SMS messages to VitalPBX.
4b. Configuring Vitelity DID for SMS Email Relay
With Vitelity DIDs, the first step is to order a DID that supports SMS, most do. Next, you need to decide whether this DID will be used for other purposes, such as serving as a trunk on your PBX for receipt of incoming calls. If you only want to use the DID to support SMS messaging, then there’s little reason to sign up for the unlimited calling plan. Instead, choose the pay-per-minute (PPM) plan for your DID. It costs $1.49 a month. Don’t even both registering the trunk which will save your having to pay for misdialed calls and spam. SMS messages are free.
Once your DID is set up, go to My Numbers -> Local in the Vitelity web portal and choose SMS from the Action pull-down menu of your new DID:

In the SMS dialog, set up a password for messaging, disable international messages, and enter the email forwarding address for your incoming SMS messages. Save your settings, and you’re good to go.
On the VitalPBX side, don’t forget to whitelist your Vitelity server’s IP address.
4c. Configuring VoIP.ms DID for SMS Email Relay
If you plan to dedicate a DID to SMS messaging, two advantages of the VoIP.ms offering are (1) the price ($0.85/month on the pay by the minute plan with $0.40 setup fee and (2) you can forward incoming SMS messages to another SMS number (such as your smartphone) in addition to an email address if you want to use the DID for traditional SMS messaging while also deploying our SMS Toolkit. As noted above, there’s no charge for SMS messages at this time although VoIP.ms has warned (for years) that they may begin charging a penny a message.
To get started, sign up for a VoIP.ms account and order a DID with SMS support. A cellphone is displayed beside each DID that supports SMS in their ordering page. As with Vitelity, there’s no need to register the trunk on your PBX if you only plan to use the SMS messaging component. Once your DID is provisioned, choose DID Numbers -> Manage DIDs in the VoIP.ms portal. Then edit the DID you just purchased. At the bottom of the form, fill in the SMS section as shown below:

On the VitalPBX side, don’t forget to whitelist your VoIP.ms POP’s IP address.
5. Installing and Configuring MailCall with VitalPBX
This version of MailCall was specifically designed for Incredible PBX for VitalPBX. Many of the MailCall features will not work until they are first configured on your server, e.g. Voice Dialing, Wolfram Alpha, and Voice SMS Messaging. All of the setups are covered in this VitalPBX tutorial.
After logging into your server as root, issue the following commands to install MailCall:
cd / wget http://incrediblepbx.com/MailCall-VitalPBX.tar.gz tar zxvf MailCall-VitalPBX.tar.gz rm -f MailCall-VitalPBX.tar.gz chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk
For a number of the queries, a 5-digit PIN is required for obvious reasons. This needs to be set in two places: (1) in two chunks of dialplan code (/tmp/sms-dialplan.txt) to be added and (2) at the top of the mailcall script itself (/root/mailcall). Just search for XXXXX and replace the five X’s with a 5-digit secure PIN in all three places. While editing the mailcall script, you’ll also need to whitelist the 10-digit or 11-digit phone numbers from which to accept calls in the AUTHORIZED field. Just separate each number with a space. Then issue the remainder of the commands below:
nano -w /tmp/sms-dialplan.txt nano -w /root/mailcall cat /tmp/sms-dialplan.txt >> /etc/asterisk/ombutel/extensions__80-custom.conf echo "asterisk ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/iptables" >> /etc/sudoers echo "*/2 * * * * root /root/mailcall > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab asterisk -rx "dialplan reload"
As a security precaution, you can only use SMS Toolkit to forward and unforward calls to your cellphone from a PBX extension designated for your use. You can associate more than one cellphone with a given extension, but you can’t associate multiple extensions with a single cellphone. To set up the association between your cellphone and an extension on your PBX, issue the following command while logged in as root where 8431234567 is your cell phone number and 701 is the associated extension:
asterisk -rx "database put CELL 8431234567 701"
Sending an SMS message of @CF ON to your DID from 8431234567 will automatically forward extension 701 calls to your cell. Sending @CF OFF will disable forwarding to extension 701.
Finally, a few words about the SMS @whitelist command. It can be used in two ways. If you just text whitelist, then you will get a call back that first prompts for your PIN. You then will be prompted for the IP address to whitelist. Using your cellphone, enter the IP address using * for periods, e.g. 1*2*3*4 becomes The alternative whitelist option doesn’t require a callback. Just send a text message with @whitelist PIN ip-address using periods, not *, e.g. @WHITELIST 98765 would whitelist if your PIN was correctly entered as 98765 and matches the entry in /root/mailcall.
Email Addresses for SMS Smartphone Delivery
United States:
- AT&T – number@txt.att.net
- Verizon – number@vtext.com
- Sprint – number@messaging.sprintpcs.com
- T-Mobile – number@tmomail.net
- Mint Mobile – number@tmomail.net
- Virgin Mobile – number@vmobl.com
- Tracfone – number@mmst5.tracfone.com
- Ting – number@message.ting.com
- Boost Mobile – number@myboostmobile.com
- U.S. Cellular – number@email.uscc.net
- Metro PCS – number@mymetropcs.com
- Rogers Wireless: number@pcs.rogers.com
- Fido: number@fido.ca
- Telus: number@msg.telus.com
- Bell Mobility: number@txt.bell.ca
- Kudo Mobile: number@msg.koodomobile.com
- MTS: number@text.mtsmobility.com
- President’s Choice: number@txt.bell.ca
- Sasktel: number@sms.sasktel.com
- Solo: number@txt.bell.ca
- Virgin: number@vmobile.ca
Managing the AsteriDex SQLite3 Database
We’ve alluded to the AsteriDex database in a couple of VitalPBX articles but never mentioned how to access it. Using a browser, point it to http://server-ip/asteridex4
. You can add, edit, display, and delete entries from there. Before you can make changes in the database, issue the following command after logging into your server as root:
chown asterisk:apache /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
Published: Monday, November 18, 2018

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.

Skyetel SMS Smorgasbord for Incredible PBX with VitalPBX

Just in time for Thanksgiving, we’ve got a great treat for those of you that have taken advantage of the Nerd Vittles special offer from Skyetel which got you a $10 credit to kick the tires and up to $500 of half-price service on their quadruple-redundant VoIP platform. Effective 10/1/2023, $25/month minimum spend required. Today we’re adding not one, but three, SMS messaging utilities to the VitalPBX UC platform. In addition to a command line utility to send SMS messages, we’re also introducing SMS Message Blasting which lets you send an SMS message to as many recipients as you would like. It’s perfect for sports team and community group messaging. To round out the trifecta, we’ve updated our SMS Dictator utility by integrating Skyetel messaging with IBM’s powerful voice recognition software.1 Simply dial S-M-S (767) from any extension on your PBX and dictate an SMS message to send to a recipient of your choice. Gone are the days of wrestling with Google’s ever-changing voice recognition platform.
To get started, you’ll need to have an IBM Watson account with an APIkey for their Speech-to-Text (STT) engine. Next, you will need a Skyetel SMS-enabled DID. Before we install today’s SMS scripts, it should be noted that SMS messages must be sent from the PBX registered as the Skyetel Endpoint Group for the SMS-enabled DID specified in the Skyetel SMS scripts. So let’s begin with the configuration steps to put all the pieces in place.
Getting Started with IBM Watson STT Service
We’ve created a separate tutorial to walk you through obtaining and configuring your IBM Watson credentials. Start there.
Now let’s get IBM’s Speech to Text service activated. Log back in to the IBM Cloud. Click on the (upper left) Menu icon and select Dashboard. Click on the Speech to Text app. Choose a Region to deploy in, choose your Organization from the pull-down menu, and select STT as your Space. Choose the Standard Pricing Plan or LITE Plan. Then click Create. When Speech to Text Portal opens, click the Service Credentials tab. In the Actions column, click View Credentials and copy down your STT APIkey. Then logout of IBM Watson.
Getting Started with Skyetel Messaging
If you haven’t already signed up for a Skyetel account, read our tutorial and take advantage of the $10 coupon for free service. Sign up for a DID and activate the SMS feature for your number. Create an Endpoint Group with the public IP address of your PBX. Then edit your phone number and link it to the Endpoint Group of your server. If you want to forward incoming SMS messages to either an email address or to your smartphone’s messaging service, configure it under the SMS & MMS tab for each of your phone numbers. Finally, click on the settings icon beside your account name in the upper right corner of the Skyetel portal and then click the API Keys tab. Click the Create button and copy down your SID and SECRET for Skyetel’s API service. This secret is not retrievable once you close the window so put the credentials in a safe place for subsequent use. Once you’re happy with the Skyetel service, fund your account with up to $250 and open a ticket with Skyetel. They’ll match your deposit and also let you port any DIDs you’d like at no cost for 60 days. For now, logout of the Skyetel portal.
Installing the SMS Components on Your PBX
There are three separate applications which we will install in VitalPBX: (1) a stand-alone utility that lets you send SMS messages from the Linux CLI by entering a recipients 11-digit phone number and an SMS message surrounded by quotes, (2) an SMS message blasting utility that lets you send a previously prepared SMS message to a group of recipients whose 11-digit SMS numbers have been entered into a text file, and (3) the SMS Dictator application which lets you pick up any phone on your PBX and dial S-M-S (767) to dictate a message and send it to a recipient whose number you’ve keyed in from your phone. For those not residing in North America, the number of phone number digits can easily be changed in all of the scripts. After we install the three applications, we’ll edit each of the scripts to insert your IBM STT and Skyetel API credentials. Then you’re ready to start messaging.
First, let’s install the stand-alone and message blasting SMS utilities. Log into your server as root and issue the following commands:
cd /root mkdir sms-skyetel cd sms-skyetel wget http://incrediblepbx.com/smsblast-skyetel.tgz tar zxvf smsblast-skyetel.tgz rm -f smsblast-skyetel.tgz
Next, let’s install the SMS Dictator application while still logged into your server:
cd /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin wget http://incrediblepbx.com/sms-767-vitalpbx.tgz tar zxvf sms-767-vitalpbx.tgz rm -f sms-767-vitalpbx.tgz ./install-sms-dictator.sh
Configuring the Skyetel SMS Components
The last step of the SMS Dictator install script will prompt you to edit smsgen.sh. Leave apikey as your API_USERNAME and insert your actual IBM STT APIkey as API_PASSWORD in the fields provided. Insert your Skyetel SID, SECRET, and 11-digit DID in the fields provided. Then save the file: Ctrl-X, Y, then ENTER.
Next, change directories to /root/sms-skyetel and edit BOTH sms-skyetel and smsblast and insert your Skyetel credentials and DID in the fields provided at the top of both files.
Finally, when you’re ready to use the message blasting application (smsblast), first insert your SMS message in the smsmsg.txt file. Then insert the list of SMS numbers in smslist.txt.
Installing Festival TTS with VitalPBX
If you have not already installed the Festival TTS engine, you’ll need it to use SMS Dictator. Here’s how to install it:
yum -y install festival echo "[general]" > /etc/asterisk/festival.conf asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" festival_server & systemctl restart asterisk echo "/usr/bin/festival_server &" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
Testing the Skyetel SMS Components
To try out the SMS Dictator application, dial S-M-S (767) from a phone connected to your PBX. When prompted, enter the 11-digit number of the SMS recipient. When prompted, dictate the message to be sent and press #.
To try out the stand-alone SMS application, navigate to /root/sms-skyetel and issue the following command using the 11-digit number of the SMS recipient followed by a space and an SMS message to be sent surrounded by quotes: ./sms-skyetel 18005551212 "Howdy."
To try out the message blasting SMS application, navigate to /root/sms-skyetel. Enter the message to be sent in smsmsg.txt and enter the list of SMS numbers in smslist.txt. Kick off the message blast by entering the command: ./smsblast
Originally published: Monday, November 11, 2019
Support Issues. With any application as sophisticated as this one, you’re bound to have questions. Blog comments are a difficult place to address support issues although we welcome general comments about our articles and software. If you have particular support issues, we encourage you to get actively involved in the PBX in a Flash Forum. It’s the best Asterisk tech support site in the business, and it’s all free! Please have a look and post your support questions there. Unlike some forums, the PIAF Forum is extremely friendly and is supported by literally hundreds of Asterisk gurus and thousands of users just like you. You won’t have to wait long for an answer to your question.

Need help with Asterisk? Visit the VoIP-info Forum.
Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors
FULL DISCLOSURE: ClearlyIP, Skyetel, Vitelity, DigitalOcean, Vultr, VoIP.ms, 3CX, Sangoma, TelecomsXchange and VitalPBX have provided financial support to Nerd Vittles and our open source projects through advertising, referral revenue, and/or merchandise. As an Amazon Associate and Best Buy Affiliate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. We’ve chosen these providers not the other way around. Our decisions are based upon their corporate reputation and the quality of their offerings and pricing. Our recommendations regarding technology are reached without regard to financial compensation except in situations in which comparable products at comparable pricing are available from multiple sources. In this limited case, we support our sponsors because our sponsors support us.
BOGO Bonaza: Enjoy state-of-the-art VoIP service with a $10 credit and half-price SIP service on up to $500 of Skyetel trunking with free number porting when you fund your Skyetel account. No limits on number of simultaneous calls. Quadruple data center redundancy. $25 monthly minimum spend required. Tutorial and sign up details are here.
The lynchpin of Incredible PBX 2020 and beyond is ClearlyIP components which bring management of FreePBX modules and SIP phone integration to a level never before available with any other Asterisk distribution. And now you can configure and reconfigure your new Incredible PBX phones from the convenience of the Incredible PBX GUI.
VitalPBX is perhaps the fastest-growing PBX offering based upon Asterisk with an installed presence in more than 100 countries worldwide. VitalPBX has generously provided a customized White Label version of Incredible PBX tailored for use with all Incredible PBX and VitalPBX custom applications. Follow this link for a free test drive!
Special Thanks to Vitelity. Vitelity is now Voyant Communications and has halted new registrations for the time being. Our special thanks to Vitelity for their unwavering financial support over many years and to the many Nerd Vittles readers who continue to enjoy the benefits of their service offerings. We will keep everyone posted on further developments.

- Skyetel outbound SMS messages are billed at 1¢/message plus a monthly SMS surcharge of 10¢ per SMS-enabled DID. With IBM’s STT service, users have a choice of the LITE tier providing 100 minutes a month of free transcription or the STANDARD tier providing unlimited message transcription at a cost of 2¢/minute. [↩]