Don’t be intimidated by the number of tutorials which follow. We’ve structured these in much the same way that we build systems for clients, except you don’t have to pay for any of it. To get a functioning XiVO server on the platform of your choice so that you can make outgoing calls and receive incoming calls will take less than an hour. Choose fromj one of the server platforms that best meets your needs. If you’re just getting started, Digital Ocean is a terrific sandbox for learning because you get $10 of free use and they charge less than a penny an hour. See our referral link in the tutorial to get your freebie.
Jump to the latest tutorial to begin your XiVO install.
After the initial XiVO server setup, you’ll need to choose at least one trunk provider so that you can make outbound calls and receive incoming calls. Vitelity is the Platinum Sponsor of the Nerd Vittles open source projects, and we’ve had a beautiful relationship for many years because their SIP services are second to none. By all means, read all of the Trunk Provider tutorials and choose the ones that best meet your needs. Unlike traditional phone service, there’s no need to put all of your eggs in one basket. You only pay for VoIP services that you use so there is little harm in signing up with multiple providers.
Once you have your providers set up, it’s a simple matter to create inbound routes to process incoming calls and outbound routes to handle your outgoing calls to traditional telephones. The rest is icing on the cake that you can learn about as you go along. Some of the tutorials aren’t finished just yet, but we’ll get there. Enjoy the ride!
— Uncle Ward
XIVO Platform Implementation Tutorials
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Manually Installing XiVO and Debian 8
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO on a Dedicated PC
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM on VirtualBox
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Turnkey 5-Minute Install on VirtualBox
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM on VMware ESXi
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM at ImpactVPS
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM at Digital Ocean
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM at CloudAtCost
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM at RentPBX
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM at Vultr
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Installing XiVO VM at OVH.com
XiVO Platform Tutorial: Turnkey 1-Minute Install on Raspberry Pi 3
XIVO Initial Setup Tutorial
XiVO Initial Setup Tutorial: Getting Started with XiVO
XIVO Trunk Implementation Tutorials
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a Vitelity SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a VoIP.ms SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a RingPlus SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a FreeVoipDeal (Betamax) SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a Google Voice-Simonics SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Deploying Native Google Voice with OAuth Trunks
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing an Anveo Direct Outbound SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a Skype Connect SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a LocalPhone SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a CallCentric SIP Trunk
XiVO Trunks Tutorial: Installing a FlowRoute SIP Trunk* (not yet verified)
XIVO Call Routing Tutorials
XiVO Call Routing Tutorial: Creating Inbound Routes for DIDs
XiVO Call Routing Tutorial: Creating Outbound Routes for PSTN Calling
Incredible PBX Application Tutorials for XiVO
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: Yahoo News
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: NWS Weather by ZIP Code
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: AsteriDex with SQLite3
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: AsteriDex Click2Dial with XiVO Phonebook
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: CallerID Superfecta
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: Telephone Reminders
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: Voice Dialing
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: Call Detail Reporting (CDR)
Incredible PBX Application Tutorial: LENNY, The Telemarketers Nightmare
XiVO Application Tutorials
XiVO Application Tutorial: Daily Backups
XiVO Application Tutorial: Endpoint Manager
XiVO Application Tutorial: Bi-Weekly Upgrades
XiVO Application Tutorial: High Availability (HA) Servers
XiVO Application Tutorial: Call Center
XiVO Application Tutorial: Munin Stats
XiVO Application Tutorial: API